Friday, September 21, 2012

The state of our union? No unity!

According to Mitt Romney's tax returns he paid 1.9 million in taxes on 13.7 million in income meaning he paid 13.86 % of his income. Where as, I made only 23,493.70 but paid 5309.10 in taxes meaning I paid 22.57 % of my income.

So you have first, presented us with incorrect data and second, you are failing to see the relativity of the "fairness" you reference here today.
Did you even take the time to research what was true and what was interjection? Why on earth should Mitt Romney have the benefit of enjoying nearly an extra 10% of his income over me? or you for that matter? The answer to that question is slanted and I know it. The truth is, bankers everywhere are getting scared and fortifying their holdings on a regular basis securing for themselves every possible dime they can. This is the reason the economy is so bad.

You may be asking yourself now what makes this guy think the economy is doing so bad? Well in economics I learned that scenarios like this one I just explained here never end well. When people begin to realize that big business owners are getting preferential treatment over their own well being it always leads to bloodshed.
The extra money Romney got to keep and enjoy came out of my pocket, your pocket, and every other American's pocket and I believe that our law makers should be held accountable because I guarantee you NONE OF US CALLED our Senator or Congressman clamoring to give business executives more money. In fact, I know that I call almost weekly clamoring to eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, inventory every Treasury Note that was ever supplied to them as collateral for the Federal Reserve Notes they provide us and revoke the validity of each and every note that was given to them.

This would leave every banker involved in a very precarious position. First off, Federal Reserve Notes everywhere would devalue to the point of near world economic collapse but, We the People, the posterity could prevent that by combining the GPO and the Treasury as they should be then job titles, such as engraver, would become government jobs and the engravers would be doing their country a service instead of making a profit. At this point our government could begin printing new Treasury Notes with different identification codes. All of the people and governments that, We the People, legitimately provided Treasury Notes to would be assured that their Notes would transfer exactly as they should to the new currency we begin to print separate from Treasury Notes. Their collateral would be safe. We then pay off any and all debts we may have to any other country holding still valid Treasury Notes we would have to do this immediately in order to strengthen our hold on the bankers making interest from the blood, sweat and tears we shed. Those old notes are completely eliminated and destroyed and removed from the books all together leaving nothing but invalid certificates remaining.

These notes that we devalued at the beginning of the process are going to be found in all sorts of divers and sundry hands. Hands to which the people who actually performed the act of lending will have to answer for, not We, the People. We, the people , refuse to buy their debt under any and every circumstance after all it is what they have done for us. Turnabout is fair play. After all, it is us, We, the People, that have the true power not some banker making more interest than he could ever spend in any number of life times. This is the precarious position I spoke of a minute ago because anyone directly responsible for making any such secondary transactions with the US Treasury notes were not authorized to do so because just as the Federal Reserve Notes are the property of the Federal Reserve Bank so are the US Treasury notes the property of the US Treasury, thus property of We, the people, the posterity who are protected by our Constitution.

Speaking of which, immediately following, the Constitution needs at minimum, amended, possibly re-written. Freedoms guaranteeing never to become slaves to interest bearing loans through central banking must be included never to be repealed. Removal of qualifications of Lawyers from holding office within the legislature, either House or Senate must be initiated as well. Let's keep the Lawyers doing what they are meant to do, civil and criminal representation either in a prosecutorial or defense capacity. It has escaped the people how the branches of government should be divided. Making a lawyer an officer of the court leaves them within the judicial branch and thus they can not be involved in the legislative without permanent surrender of the right to be admitted to the Bar. Once a lawyer serves as a legislator what is to say that the work he performed will not benefit him in some personal capacity in the future if he is allowed to continue to practice law following his terms in the legislature?

There are many other revisions that must be made as well to include the benefit of each citizen from the tax collected. The collection of tax from business interests. Since businesses are legally formed corporations to protect the individuals who formed them well it those corporations which should be taxed and not the individuals who formed them. This gives benefit to every business owner. The corp is taxed but not the income of the individual. This goes for every individual. No income tax. It's already illegal anyway because of the different laws that have been made that have long since negated the "direct or apportioned" tax provision within the Constitution. Corporations will be taxed equally depending on the revenue generated, and the number of employees needed to successfully complete all of their tasks. Foreign human beings wishing to gain entry into the United States will be expected to pay for that access and pay tax while present. We paid a serious cost for our freedom and freedom for them should not come easy. Laws that currently allow for the tax free creation of a business to foreigners will be eliminated completely as will the transfer of any such business to any relative for the purposes of remaining tax free, but technically this will be a mute point having all corporations taxed equally, with the exception of the increased tax on foreign owned corporations on US soil.
All sales of US owned land to any and all foreign interests that refuse to comply with the new rules will be offered the option of reimbursement of the value of the land, not to exceed the original sale price accompanied with deportation.

Foreign policy will have to change to reflect our new interest which will be the fortification of the people of the United States of America because by now, during the process, we all will have realized the uselessness of the Uniform Commercial Code, benefits such as Social Security and the serious misuse of institutions like the Internal Revenue Service, the department of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency which has now expanded to include the department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency and many other "bloatware" agencies as we frugal computer users would call it.

We, the People, are still responsible to take care of our elderly, but that is a responsibility that is individual. If my parents have been cared for and are gone eliminating my responsibility to care for my family and I have done no wrong in doing so, why should I be held to help you by a governmental agency to assist you in caring for your elders? IF that happens, assisting you with your elders, and I mean a BIG IF, it happens out of the kindness of my heart and a willingness to assist my struggling friend or neighbor. This will once again strengthen the family and its importance in this Country of ours. In doing so, we will be able to eliminate many currently authorized departments, offices andpositions that have been created to administer such funding. Keeping in mind that we will still ned some capacity to legislate for local assistance of the poor, the mentally/physically disabled and elderly even though it should be the sole responsibility of the family. We understand that there are circumstances that can not be avoided but each state needs to administer funding like this locally. Then we must also build into the Constitution provisions that will eliminate the need to create all sorts of excessive social programs that otherwise should be unnecessary. Also, eliminate the provisions that require the use of every dime allotted in the budget to increase budget requests the following year. If there is a surplus and you can show honest plans that are agreed upon by the newly elected officials that show with the surplus and projected costs there is necessity for increased budget provisions we can make necessary adjustments as long as fiscally responsible plans are in place to repay the increase or eliminate the need for the increase in a very reasonable time. Federal taxes need to be maintained on a state by state basis. Each state will bear equal responsibility to the FED. 2% of the federal budget will be expected from each state. The budget will be public and televised and the Federal Government WILL NOT OPERATE outside this budget, EVER! No outside contributions from businesses, lobbyists or other political interests will be allowed and if individual gifts are ever found they will be treated as treason.

The total elimination of politics from government can not completely removed, I am well aware, but I believe with a few other modifications this could be as close as we get to finally having a way to have Democrats and Republicans work together and who knows, maybe even introduce a couple other very viable parties.
Over the last 10 years here in Iowa, in the school district on which I live, the salaries of the administrators have increased by 35,000.00 yearly while the average salary of a teacher has relatively stayed the same, increasing by about 1,000.00. No fairness there either. Not only that but the budget for our states education has increased by 93,000,000 over the last ten years and the states enrollment has decreased by 10,000 children during that time yet ALL but three schools in my district are designated SINA and the entire district is designated DINA. Let's see, more money, less children DOES NOT EQUAL POORER EDUCATION. I had many years of math and some economics and somebody is falling down on the job.

That would be We, the People. We are falling down on the job and unless we force our legislators to make these kind of fiscally responsible decisions we will be forced to revolt. 

Elimination of the FED will provoke many things hopefully the elimination of deceitful practices will be amongst those provocations. Restructuring our Government will increase the sense of pride we used to have being Americans and hopefully interest more people in participating, in fact, it may be best that each person perform their civic duty in a capacity conducive to them in the same manner we choose soldiers during a time of war. Draft them to service and completing a successful term will eliminate you from further drafts with the exception of the ongoing civic duty of juror and a couple others.

I have millions of ideas, that if all implemented together, I believe all men and women alike will be satisfied with the outcome and will begin to live their lives in peace and harmony. I know that some or all of them could be chosen to be implemented or some or all of them could be completely hated by others, in either case, at least I am willing to discuss them, get involved, engage others to discuss their ideas, and above all I am willing to listen and learn. Unfortunately, this last statement will be completely ignored and instead of offering their own ideas, others will simply rest in their comfort and only criticize this idea. Saddest American story today!

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